Fuck IT ALL™ feat. I AM Radio
A podcast to redefine modern womanhood, and what it means to have "it all."
Women are told that we get to have it all; but what happens when our “all" doesn’t align with what society says is enough? The Fuck IT ALL™ podcast is an exploration, conversation and love letter to the brave women who are intentionally redefining what it means to have it all.
Fuck IT ALL™ feat. I AM Radio
I AM Radio: Manifest It with Jen Mazer
We’re just going to say it - Jen Mazer makes dreams come true!
No, she doesn’t have a magic wand (well actually, she might), but she’s not magic - she's the Queen of Manifestation. Jen’s coaching, workshops, and book have helped countless people manifest their full potential and live their BIG dream. (*Raises hand* Us too! 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏻♀️)
And on this week's episode of I AM Radio, we sit down with Jen to talk about her work as our coach (and how she knew we’d pursue the I AM Docuseries before we did!) and the power of manifestation!
We laugh that we manifested Jen. She came into our lives when we needed it most - a pivotal point in our business when we were determined to unlearn hustle culture habits, foster a new mindset, stop playing small, and move miles instead of inches. For us, Jen was believing eyes, and her practices, in turn, made us believe that our big dreams were possible.
In 30 minutes, Jen shares personal manifestation stories like how she landed a book deal from her dream publisher. She also shares her expertise and practices on how to attract what you really want.
Press play and start manifesting! 👇
🌟 Oh don’t worry, there is more! If you want to dive deeper into Jen’s work and manifestation practices, listen to her FIA episode - Queen of Manifestation with Jen Mazer!
Follow and/or work with Jen:
Jen’s Website: https://www.queenofmanifestation.com/
FIA Episode: Queen of Manifestation with Jen Mazer
Her Book: Manifesting Made Easy
This is an IT ALL Media Production. If you like what you hear, follow along at ITALLMedia.co and @itallmedia on Instagram and TikTok.
We are a women-centered media company rewriting the narrative on modern womanhood through story and collaboration.
We're glad you're here.
Welcome to I Am Radio. I'm your cohost, Kacie Lett Gordon. And I'm your other, one might say better, half, Katie Louise Mullins. We are the creators of the beloved FIA podcast and the women behind It All Media. Join us every Thursday for your weekly dose of I Am Radio. We'll be joined by fellow creatives, experts, organizers, powerful women in media, and our favorite of all, real women. As we chronicle, Our journey as two first time entrepreneurs turn filmmakers. With that, cue the dancing hot dogs and concession ads. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Welcome back to I am radio. We have a very special episode today, sitting down with the queen of manifestation herself, Jen Mazer. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. We have interviewed Jen before and we'll give a shout out to our fuck it all podcast episode where we talked really about the power of manifestation and how this woman became the queen of it. But today as this part of, I am radio walking our audiences behind the scenes of what it is like. being first time founders turn first time filmmakers and all of the individuals that have walked with us along this process and Katie and I were talking about who we wanted to come back on the show and she's like we need Jen because Jen knew the show was the thing like two years ago and before we knew it was the thing. Yeah. Before we knew it was the thing. Katie's convinced that it's beyond manifestation that she's magical. So we're going to get into that. And also I think as creatives, we are all creatives here who also have a business. And I think that manifestation and intuition and imagination all play into that, especially the patience to know that when these ideas come to you, sometimes you You act on them immediately. And other times they sit on the shelf and they continue talking to you. And then the perfect time arrives. And so that's what you can expect from today's episode with that. Jen, Katie is going to jump in. We want to know how you knew it was the thing. I just, I think we like at the time we had. We had all these different pieces of the business and like, I think the TV show was like the least developed with zero audience and community around that at the time. We are very much engrossed in the fuck it all podcast. Um, when we started working with Jen and, uh, we had all these other ideas as well. Like we were working on coursework and NFTs at the time before we switched over to like women's wellness, pleasure, sex. Um, and Jen's like, no, it's this. It's the TV show. And she was like, this is what you need to pursue. And like, not just like pursue it, but pursue it till like, go after the big league. And it's, it's always the biggest thing. And Kacie and I really, we use that so often and everything. It's like, what would Jen do? So gently is taken away. I love it. I think most people with creative ideas, they operate on a like, based on what They think is the easiest thing to do, like what's comfortable because it's what they know, or what's going to be the fastest way to make money or, you know, like, okay, well, we have this experience and I've been doing this podcast and I think we can get like sponsorship and, you know, blah, blah, blah. But really the thing that's going to make you the most money is the thing that lights you up. the most. And when you, you know, first told me everything that you wanted to do, and this is how I start working with anyone is a visioning session, right? It's like, well, let's just give yourself permission to tell me the most outrageous dreams that you have. Anything goes, you know, anything is possible. And you told me, you know, about the TV show. You know, slash, you know, documentary and that lit me up, me up, right? I had chills. I was like, this is it. This resonated a hundred percent with me, right? And I knew that that thing was a thing that was going to resonate with everyone else, right? That's the thing that's going to be the biggest change maker. Like, what is it that you want to do? What's going to have. the biggest effect, right? It's the scariest for all of us, right? It's always the thing that's like, oh shit, am I really doing that thing? Like, can I, who am I? I've never done that before. You know, all the stories we tell ourselves, but it's always that thing. And I always say this, manifestation It's not you making something happen. It's not you setting the intention and then you need to, like, do all these things to make it happen. Manifesting really is just allowing in the thing that's already there and receiving it. It's just like, okay, yes, like, your imagination is how you tap into your intuition, right? I'm intuitive. Everybody's intuitive, right? We all are. And so it's just when we open up to like creative ideas, we're actually like channeling them, right? It's like, Oh my gosh, this is this is for me. It's up to me to say yes, right? But if I do say yes. I'm intuiting. It's going to happen. It's not, Oh, that's a nice idea. I would like for that to happen. And that's where most people kind of get it wrong, where, you know, because we have all these doubts because we don't have the experience or we don't have the connections. We don't think we have the connections, right? But you're probably just one person away from that connection, right? And it's just saying, yes. And it totally is. It's always the biggest thing is scariest thing because that's that's everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone. It's new. We don't know what it's going to feel like when we're like in front of the room asking for investment money or, you know, pitching this to like a major network, right? It's it feels uncomfortable, but it's also super exciting, right? And you've got the little tingly like, you know, you're excited by it. That's a yes. It's just a scary yes, but it's still a yes. Yes. You know, so yeah, it's like I could keep going this trajectory and it could take a long time or I could take this quantum leap, right? I was just talking to you earlier before this recording, like even when you ask for money for your project, right? It's, it's the same. Effort, right? When you're asking one person for a million dollars than it is to ask, you know, 1000 people, right? Or 100 people, whatever it is, you know, for that small amount of money that equals a million, right? Like, I could just go for the one person who resonates with us and ask for the money because they have it and they're going to want to invest in this project, right? And so I think oftentimes we're like, Oh, but I couldn't do that. It feels, you know, it's like, no, it's, it's Yeah. Yeah. Your big dream is a part of somebody else's big dream, and they're meant to play their part in your dream. So like your dream of, you know, affecting change through, you know, your, your creative work. Somebody else has the money and wants to affect change, but they're not the creative. They're not the one who's going to hold the space and lead the team, you know what I mean? They just want to invest, and they're so excited when they meet you. That's their big dream, and that's how it. Always work. And I have so many clients, you know, with so many stories. It's like, you know, whoever that is who you're hiring or, you know, whatever, it's like their big dream is to work with you. And it's keeping that faith. Like you said, it could be three years later, but it's knowing it's happening. I expect it's all going to work out. And so I'm okay if I get a no, because I know it's all going to work out anyway. And that's what leads to the story of South by Southwest. When we were working together, yeah. Right. Mm hmm. Yeah. And for some of you that have listened, you under, you know, that South by Southwest was such a light bulb moment for us when we were sitting there interviewing these big name celebrities and while their content is incredible and, you know, many of which we quote and cite in our work, there's a certain level of celebrity that prevents. Total authenticity or vulnerability because out of their own protection, but as we were on the street talking to these everyday women and, you know, even going back to what resonates on the podcast, we can have big names or we can have everyday women and every single time people are zoned into the everyday woman, it was this light bulb moment of it's not a scripted series. It's not putting actors and actresses. It's not cleaning up the mess. It's letting it all hang out and be there. And telling the story anyways, and you know, the story of how we got to South by Southwest, it was, we went into the, like, not even the back door, like the side janitor door and put ourselves right on the stage. Katie, tell it. You do it. And this is everything that we've truly learned from working with Jen, um, around manifestation. So we applied for the South, South by Southwest to speak on a panel. And, um, Being it was our panel and we had several partners that were involved with us and we were rejected, um, by South by Southwest officially to do that panel. But we kept telling anyone, everyone in any way that we were going to go to South by Southwest because it was a big stage and we wanted to start putting our content out there on larger stages. So we went for the biggest one that we knew, especially like within the creative industry and, um. When we put our panel out, it was actually seen by Wisp, um, and who is now one of our, exactly. Yeah, who's now one of our partners and they DM'd us on social media and said we're really interested in learning more about this. And, um, we ended up meeting with them when we were at Sundance, um, And we met them in person, but we also got them on a panel when we were there. And they started talking about wanting to go to South by Southwest. They're putting together a side event. Um, they were working with plan C pills and the film that had just gone to Sundance. So everything was just like coming together in the most beautiful and divine way. And, um, we ended up noting worth noting. Sundance came to us. We, that was not on our radar at all. We did not put ourselves in the Sundance arena. Like that was something down the road, but we were invited the same. I think it was within two weeks of getting the rejection email from South by, cause it was early October. By the end of that month, we had an invite to Sundance. And we thought at the time, Oh, we just, we were meant to be on a stage. It was just a different stage. So we were still channeling the manifestation. We just had the event wrong. And then at Sundance is when South by really unfolded. Yeah, and it was there literally as he said at Sundance and then to go to South by, um, on the day of our panel South by Southwest made our event an official South by event. Um, and so we ended up speaking and it was the subject matter was the exact same panel that we submitted back verbatim. Yeah, exactly that. So, um. Yeah, it was just an incredible unfolding of the universe. And we were exactly where we were supposed to be. And then to have the aha while at South by Southwest around what the docu series was supposed to be. It was just like, Jen was like, dah, dah, dah, dah. I knew all along, like walking right beside us. This is how it works all the time, right? And it's like you take action based on what you know. You only know what you know, right? From your limited perspective of life experience. But you take action from a place of faith, right? Of like, okay, I know it's all, I have this idea for a reason. It's because it's happening, right? And so this is what I know to do. I'm going to take that next step. And then the next thing is going to be revealed, right? And it's so synchronistic and it always comes together. And it, I feel like. It is that third door. Like, it's always easier than we're making it out to be because we, we think it's going to be this hard road because that's what whatever, you know, was told to us. But it, it happens. Like, even when I had the idea to write my book, literally my dream publisher was Simon and Schuster, right? And I, a week after I say, I want to write a book out loud for the very first time I get an email from a small publishing house that's asking me to write a book. They offer me a paid book deal. This is a small publishing house I'd never heard of. But I like get on the phone with them. It's totally in alignment. I agree to write this book. And then as I'm writing the book, that publishing house gets bought by Simon Schuster, right? And so I'm a Simon Schuster published author. I didn't have to write a book proposal. It didn't need to be this long, you know, drawn out process. It was like, So easy and it's still the exact thing that I said I wanted, right? And so I think it's, you know, not doubting if things like you said, Oh, well, I think it might just be Sundance. So, yeah, like it's an alignment. It's totally like a thing we're super excited about, you know, um, then, yeah, go, go in that, you know, as long as it's still move in the right direction, if it's totally a sidetrack. And that's the thing that I think stops people. It's like, well, I'm hitting an obstacle. I'm getting no's, you know, like I'm not getting enough yeses. And then they just go back to what was easy, you know, and what they were doing the same old, same old, that's not it. That's a different thing. That's using an obstacle as an excuse to shrink back down into your comfort level. An obstacle doesn't mean that it's not happening. Every obstacle is an opportunity. It's just like, Oh, okay. Maybe it's not that, but something else. Right. Like. I don't, and that's the thing with manifesting, it's if you trust that it's all happening, you don't need to be so attached to every out, you know, outreach or every ask, right? You're like, Oh, well, I'm okay if they, this person says no, like I want the no, right? Cause it's someone else is going to say, yes, it only takes one. Like, you know, the soulmate, right? We've got our soulmate people who are, are like directors and you know, right? they're meant to work with us. And so just trusting that you'll know, like you'll have that resonance, they'll know, right. And, and it'll be super exciting when you come together. I think some advice, Jen, that you gave us that I literally implement on a weekly basis, I think, truly, um, So often I have so much faith, uh, particularly more so in this business than I do my personal life sometimes, but, um, it's just easier to imagine, you know, because I can visualize so much more of it. Um, but often I feel like I'm running on faith alone. And it's, it wears me out a little bit because I'm like, okay, like I need more validation in these spaces or I need something. And I constantly ask myself, how can I make this easier and more joyful? And that was something that you taught. And I just, I feel like I catch myself sometimes getting so into the nitty gritty. Of what the week looks like. And those menial tasks, as you were saying, like, because they're comfortable and I start to think like, how can I actually expand, but also make this easier on myself and, and maintain the joy because joy is really what. AIDS manifestation so much. Yeah, 100%. If you're like over efforting and hustling, it's because you don't trust, right? There's a difference between creative, like, flow and, you know, up all night, like, working on a project. Right. Right? And there could be a deadline too, right, where you're like, there's a lot of work, but it's not coming from a place of freak out that you need to do more to make it happen, right? It's, it's more just that, like, creative. Push. And so I do always say, ask yourself, how can I make this easier? How can I make this more fun? And I love that you apply that on a daily basis because it's so true. Like the joy changes your vibration and you energetically, we can feel someone, right? It's when you walk into the room and you're like, Ooh, I want to be around that person. Right? Like, what is it? with them. It's the same thing when you're going out there and pitching your, you know, creative project or showing up, you know, at work or whatever it is that you're doing. Like it's, how am I showing up? What's the energy I'm giving off? Because that's going to be felt and received. And so if you can get yourself into a place of like joy, Right? And fun. It feels better, you know, and people are feel that and get excited, and it doesn't even need to be related to what you're working on, like doing something that just makes you feel good on a daily basis, like going for a walk or doing yoga or whatever it is that you like, you know, listening to music, like getting yourself into that space. It really changes everything else. So I think that we've seen that come true. There's weeks where we are, you know, we're forcing where the trust isn't as strong, where we're feeling like, Oh God, this is a big opportunity. This is a big name. Let's go in and be so buttoned up or whatever that is. And you feel, it's almost like, I liken it to like a dating, like a desperation, you know, there's a, an eagerness and. That's received and it's, you know, Oh, this is great. And it's nice to meet you, but there's not the same spark. And I think that's where, you know, so much of this there's, there's very masculine, linear energy that can be applied to this, right? How do we move forward? What are our milestones? But it's the feminine energy in between that actually. And there's other calls where, you know, we've told the story, there was, um, an advisor that she's in insanely accomplished VC founder, just incredible woman. And we had been introduced through another channel, um, completely like it was not, and it was three months later that we were finally having this call and not like it was a throwaway call in a bad way, but it wasn't a high pressure call. And Katie and I were just like, yeah, let's just go do our pitch. And it was 30 minutes and within. 17 of the 30 minutes she just stops and says, I've never heard anything like this. What do you all need? And there was an energetic, like, and I think that it was because we came in so much just in our like, okay, this is what we're working on. This is what, and that was a great reminder. It's something we reference a lot of, are we grasping? And this has been the, we've talked about it a lot is we want, we're okay to pitch, but we will not prove. Yeah. And that, that evolution of it and recognizing, you know, energetically, like in your chest, in your stomach when you switch into proving. And that every time is unsuccessful for us, as it is for anyone, because it's, you can sense it. Right. Right. Or like you said, you're just like so excited about who you're about to meet, you know, that it becomes like desperate versus, you know, like just authentic showing up. I mean, yeah. Gosh, like clients of mine who've manifested their soulmates from like, you know, dating apps, it's when they show up to the coffee date, like not giving an F, you know, that's when like they connect, right? Because they're just being their authentic self. They're not trying to, you know, be anything else and prove anything. And right, like, Boom, it's that vulnerability that we all talk about. Like you said, that even right, like that authenticity that is speaking to even what you're creating. It's just, I like to think of it as like when you show up as your true self, you're available for connection. And when you're not. You're closed off and everything, like in terms of manifesting, it's all about connection. It's all about kind of like opening yourself up that you, you have all these like receptors, but are you actually, you know, engaging them or are you just being closing off in different ways and not allowing yourself to be there fully, you know, and opening up your capacity to hold more. And it's scary because you've never done that before. Right. Right. And. Do you find yourself, we all can do this, like procrastinating on, like, just sending that one email or follow up, you know, because it's scary, but you know, if you do that thing could be the, the difference, right? Like, that's it, right? And so catching yourself too, right? And doing it anyway, because the truth is, for most of us, like, we know what we should be doing, right? But we're not doing it. And the buildup and the mental space that all of that takes up, like, is much more than the actual time it takes to do the thing, right? Like, to send the email or to make that ask. It's like five minutes. But we've made it so big in our heads, right? Because we've put all this pressure or whatever, you know, stuff. scared of, you know, the fear. And it's like, just do the thing. Do you know, do the thing that's going to move the needle, the furthest, the fastest first, don't just sit in the thing that you think is easiest, as scary as that is, right? Like if you keep doing that, it's getting used to being out of your comfort zone. That's a good thing. And that's a daily practice, right? It's not a one and done, you're going to keep doing something. I want to. Yeah, and something I want to call out here is you just said it's a practice. It's not perfect. And there are days that we totally fall on our face and suck at it. And we grip so hard to what we know. And the only thing that I think Katie and I say is that what used to take us two years or two months to realize now is two days or two weeks. So our rebound rate when we start getting into that place is much faster. And that I think just like any team. Yeah. practice that we take on, whether it's a mental or spiritual practice of physical practice, you know, you, you become better at that, that rebound. And I just want to give the, the real talk is Katie and I are entrepreneurs. We bring in money based on the services and the products we put in the world. We have had to say no to a lot of things in order to say yes to this much bigger thing. And it is really terrifying. There are days where we say, Okay, shit. Should we just go get another cohort? Should we just go do the thing to solve this near term frantic need? And then Katie, you've been so good at this. You say no, because if we apply as much hustle as we would to go get that smaller number, just to feel immediate sense of relief to the bigger thing, we will be able, we will feel much more sustainably at peace. for longer, like we're going to have three years of peace of mind, not three months. And you've been so, I mean, talking about riding on faith. And I think that it does help. I mean, I'm so grateful to be in this with a partner because we get to mirror that back to each other and certainly a best friend. There's a level of care and love. That you give to people around you that maybe you don't always reserve for yourself. And that, I just want to pull back the curtains because it's so easy to say, like, just manifest it. Just stay in touch with your connections. Just like, but the truth is, is that it is work that sometimes can take you to your knees. And it's the choice and the practice to get up and continue to, you know, do that the next day. Say, where is the joy? Where is the ease? And, uh, and trusting that that process too will reveal what is next. Yeah. Being believing eyes for each other. And I think that's why, whether it's a business partner or you hire a coach like me, right. It's like we all lose faith in ourselves, all of us. Right. And when you have someone like just being a mirror, like it's happening, you know, and not only is it happening, but it's, I see it even bigger than what you see. You know, it's like, Oh, you do, you know, okay. And then you kind of renew that faith. And if you don't have that also, you know, one of the things that I teach is getting down with positive proof from your past. So even though you don't have the thing that you want, there are things that you have accomplished before. And when we can like really look at those things and celebrate those things, it feels easier to do the next thing because you might not have known what the. You were doing before, right? And look at how you manifested that. Look at how you stepped into whatever it is in your life, being a mom or, you know, getting your own apartment or, you know, getting into school. Like it doesn't need to be these huge things. Right. And, Oh, wow. Yes. Look at how I did that. I can do the next thing. And you guys tagged me recently on LinkedIn about the practice that you, you're now continuing that we'd started together. Um, And, you know, one of the other things I teach is looking at what's new and good. And it's not that saying that, you know, this hard stuff isn't there. It's just what we focus on expands. And so if you're constantly focused on what isn't working, what's left to do, how you're overwhelmed, you know, at why you feel guilty about whatever, right? That becomes the dominant thought versus Okay, that's there, but I'm going to choose to focus on what is working, what I am celebrating from the past week or past month or day, right? And it's like, Oh, right. And those small little things that we think, Oh, well, that's not it. It's just, I, you know, I only got this and I was, you know, I only got the sprout and I was looking for the whole tree. It's like, no, no, no, is the tree. Every tree is a sprout before it becomes a tree. Like celebrate those sprouts. Don't just like, uh, you know, that wasn't what I was looking for. Like, let's cultivate that. Let's, let's actually have a magnifying glass and look for those winds. Look for those small synchronicities because I promise you they're there where you're just not paying attention. Right. And the more that you pay attention, The more you cultivate that faith, right? That everything is working out for you because you're, you're noticing, you're noticing all those signs, you're celebrating those small little wins and they become the big ones. It's I, sorry, go ahead, Katie. Um, I was going to say, I think reflection has become really our form of celebration, if you will. And it's, it's been sitting with that. I think sometimes we're moving so fast that we don't stop to really celebrate The sprouts, as you were saying, Jen, and, um, there's moments in time where I have to say, we're going to miss this like time period. And also like these little things that like, if we look back to the women, we were three years ago, like we would be losing our minds. If we had some of the phone calls that we have today that we are just like, you know, jump on the call and act like it was no big deal next call. Like, you know, and I, I try to remember some of these milestones and, and Sprouts that have become trees over time, um, and celebrating them just by looking back and like taking a moment to really, I think, just be proud of ourselves for how far we've come in such a short period of time. But again, it's, it's certainly a practice to stop and, and reflect. You all probably saw me looking down and I was trying to find a text message that Katie sent me the week that we tagged you, Jen, around gratitude, and I'd love to leave our audience with this. You know, I was thinking last night since January 1st, it's now February 29th leap year. Um, but this came a couple of weeks ago. We've raised over 20, 000. So we started a nonprofit. We started a nonprofit guys, um, with a bank account, which honestly is more of an undertaking. If anybody's ever had to set up a business bank account, secured Pat Mitchell, Ms. Magazine, Arlen Hamilton, and countless other talent. We have strategies in place to say, get in another hundred thousand by the end of March. We launched a whole new podcast and are showing up on social every day. We have a creative team that can really pull this off and people that believe in it enough right now to give their time for free, even if it, um, even if it's hard. And we're doing life. You're two weeks out from bringing a beautiful human into the world. And I'm in a hormonal comedown because someday I'd like to bring another beautiful human into the world. We continue to bet on ourselves, even when financially that seems like the sequel to free solo, all that in six and a half weeks. I like us, like Jean said, we could actually pull this off. And I just said, God, I needed that rewrite and reframe. I like us too. And I love you very much. It's, um, it's those moments that just like you were saying, both saying of stopping and saying, let me just take inventory. And I think saying it out loud to someone else sometimes allows you to say it to yourself. Yeah. Yeah. And that you're doing a good job, right? Like we're focused on looking up the hill and we think we've got so much further to go that we don't take a minute to turn our heads and look behind us and oh my God, we've come so far. And then when you look. back up, you realize you're like an inch away, you're so close, right? And it's just look behind, like see how far you've come and give yourself a pat on the back. And these practices that now everybody's talking about that seems so like, you know, silly in preschool, like write your gratitude. They really make a difference. Like it's. Are you actually practicing these things? Right? Am I writing my gratitude or you're sharing with my partner, texting my gratitude or whatever, right? It doesn't need to look like it be in a journal, but it is that, but you know what Katie said too, it's like in the moment, am I like, Really taking this in and enjoying it because everything happens in the present, right? And if I'm like in this moment, what is good about right now? What am I so happy about right now? That leads to the bigger and bigger things. And I mean, I've worked with so many. Really, you know, successful, famous people. And it's not about when I reached this one thing, then I'm going to be happy. Right? Like there's, there's always a next thing that they want to write and like, Oh, they don't think they're enough, but everybody has this. Right. And it's like, no, no, no. If we can just stay present and be grateful, like this is it. It's not just when the series comes out or when I get the funding or, you know, when I'm shooting, it's like, no, no, no. Like all along the way, this is so awesome. Like what you say, we're saying about like, just. being on the calls with these people, or like being able to show up and share what you're working on. Like, how cool is that? Right. And it's enjoying the whole process and, and again, like you're, there's no mistake in the universe. You're always exactly where you're supposed to be and it's just keep showing up. Like don't dim yourself. Don't tell yourself that it's not possible because of ABCD. Right. Like. Show up fully as yourself, and when you're having fun and you're following your heart and showing up in the places that feel good for you and doing the thing that you're most excited about, that's when everything else comes in. Like, the universe is always coming, you know, giving you what you need. And it's just you seeing it and saying yes and taking that action. Like, okay, yeah, I will have that call or I will, you know, do that thing. And then it, it all comes together. So you're in the right place. I'm excited for you. I'm glad to be in this conversation again with you at this stage in the process. It's just really fun to see how things are coming together. Thank you, Jen. As we wrap up, will you share a little bit about your work? Um, you have the pleasure of helping people. live their dreams. So will you just tell us a little bit about how you work with different clients? Obviously, Kacie and I are huge testimonials for you, but if you share a little bit of that, we'd love it. Sure. So I love working with women entrepreneurs and creatives. Um, and I do that privately in, um, private coaching and a high level mastermind experience called the manifestation club. So if that resonates with anyone, you can reach out, you can go to queen of manifestation. com. Um, and learn more. And then I also have a online program called Manifestation Masters. That's for anyone, any gender manifesting any dream, really understanding that the practices that we've kind of touched upon, but really it gets you, it changes your whole entire mindset and gets you into action. Um, and it's life changing for so many people. So that's a really great way to kind of get started, um, in manifestation masters. And I run that, um, seasonally. Um, so every season and then, um, I have a book that I talked about manifesting made easy with Simon and Schuster. You can get it wherever books are sold. So. And if you need a testimonial of what that one on one work looks like, you just DM us because we have so much to share. Jen, we love you. Thank you for being back with us. We'll also post Jen's previous episode where we talk a lot more about her story and our meet cute and how we manifested Jen in our lives. Yay. Love you guys.